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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ a hard-line Communist country
▪ But the church is also divided, with a more moderate faction overshadowed by the hard-line nationalists.
▪ Ian Paisley, is one of the most hard-line Unionists.
▪ Nabiyev had led the republic's Communist Party under Brezhnev, and was generally seen as a hard-line conservative.
▪ Not surprisingly, the elections did just that, bringing into office hard-line nationalists who oppose interethnic cooperation.
▪ The amicable resolution suggested the reformist president and hard-line parliament may be trying to break their cycle of confrontation and deadlock.
▪ The banning of popular plays is normally associated with the hard-line Calvinist reformers.
▪ They will boost Communist Party reformers, who are battling hard-line opponents before a crucial autumn party congress.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1958, originally in reference to Soviet communist policies, from hard + line (n.) in the political sense. Related: Hard-liner (1963).\n


a. (alternative spelling of hardline English)


adj. firm and uncompromising; "a hard-line policy" [syn: hardline]

Usage examples of "hard-line".

The link in the minds of this conservative religious group between their pro-family, antiabortion beliefs and a hard-line strategy in the fight against terrorism may not be intellectually apparent, but is entirely culturally coherent.

A hard-line stance offered Barnett a highly seductive, powerful benefit: It could divert attention from his generally lackluster recent performance as governor.

Arabs contend that violence between Arabs and Israelis makes it hard, if not impossible, to support the United States in taking a hard-line position against Iraq.

If they were to decide not to be content with dieir concessionary inch, and set out to claim a mile… well, some might say dial it’s a short enough step from being a hard-line Decivilizer to becoming an Eliminator.

If they were to decide not to be content with their concessionary inch, and set out to claim a mile… well, some might say that it’s a short enough step from being a hard-line Decivilizer to becoming an Eliminator.

Over the decade 1973 to 1983, hard-line activist young people of the extreme Left began to move into the constituencies, and by assidu-ous attendance at dull and sparsely filled CLP meet-ings ousted the old-time officials to gain control of one general management committee after another.

Over the decade 1973 to 1983, hard-line activist young people of the extreme Left began to move into the constituencies, and by assidu­ous attendance at dull and sparsely filled CLP meet­ings ousted the old-time officials to gain control of one general management committee after another.

Burton was a hard-line right-wing politico who could spout law and order (accent on order) over brunch with the Rotarians, lunch with the NRA, and dinner with Mothers Against Drunk Drivers and wolf down dry banquet chicken like it was manna from the gods every time.

If every cop was as hard-line straight as you, we wouldn't need Internal Affairs.