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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ a hard-drinking man
▪ Commanders, R.N., are a notoriously hard-drinking breed, which scotched that suspicion.
▪ She continued to go out to dinner with academics, to receive the hard-drinking architect.
▪ That was hard-bitten, hard-nosed, hard-drinking newshound Edgar Allan Poe.
▪ The customers were mostly farming folk, a hardworking and hard-drinking set of locals who, in general, were convivial and congenial.

Usage examples of "hard-drinking".

Tab, already legendary even in a hard-drinking port like this, that might finance a small War, chargeable to the Royal Society of course, and beyond them, should they demur above a sum Mr.

The earthier bits of dialogue, 1 explained, were the result of Gentry's years with the hairy-knuckled, hard-drinking engineers and mathematicians of JPL's Astrodynamics Division, where the Pasadena cops often have to be called in to settle bare-fisted fights over Bessel Functions and nonlinear partial differential equations.

There was no stint of generous wine, for it was a hard-drinking period, a time of loyal toasts, and bacchanalian songs, and brimming bumpers.

The tourist trade in New Orleans was booming, but it was not exactly the same crowd as before, the hard-drinking, rollicking crowd who'd filled the city to party hearty.

In Schiller Park, the hard-drinking working men, who quaffed tankards of ale and dreamed of the day when Wallace would take up his residence in the White House, disapproved of young stewardesses with long-haired dates entering the dark, smelly, neighborhood taverns.