a. 1 In severe difficulty 2 Severely affected by a problem
Usage examples of "hard hit".
In the West and South, individuals were particularly hard hit, and these states passed laws to provide debt relief, but not before 1819, when the panic peaked.
People said that Crete had been hard hit by the great flood, as the Ariadneans had been by theirs following the explosion of Thera.
The earthquake was a strong one, an eight-point-four, and San Bernardino and Bakersfield were hard hit.
But if you like her - and I think myself you're rather hard hit, old man - I wouldn't give a whoop about the chain in the gold purse.
And I learned that I could take a hard hit, a lesson that I would relearn a couple more times in my childhood and later in life.
In the aftermath of the orbital accident that had formed the time strings, the whole Pacific Rim had been hard hit by earthquakes and tidal waves.
Some boys, playing baseball in a vacant lot, cracked out a hard hit which caromed off a lemon tree, whistled through a plumbego hedge, and rolled toward the sidewalk.
Something hard hit him in the shoulder and threw him forward a step.
Frail little creatures like the TWorlies were particularly hard hit, or would have been if it hadnt been for the fact that the Aurora was their own design, cocoons and all, and many thousands of years of thought had gone into reducing the damage to a TWorlie frame in a cocoon.
In Europe, also hard hit by the Depression, the people of Italy and Germany hungered not for democracy, but for the strongman leadership promised by a journalist named Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) and a failed artist, sometimes house painter, and full-time political agitator named Adolf Hitler (1889-1945).