Crossword clues for harboured
vb. (en-past of: harbour)
Usage examples of "harboured".
She and Belial had soon overcome their initial awkwardness on her arrival, and he had made it plain he harboured no ill feelings towards her rather savage assault on his person in Smyrton.
Then, with the help of the Axe-Wielders, the Acharites had cut down the massive forests that had once harboured the Forbidden races, putting the cleared land under Plough and civilisation.
Belial was some seven or eight years older than Axis, but despite his service, experience and undoubted expertise he had never harboured any ambition to lead the Axe-Wielders.
All her life she had been taught that forests were places of fear, dark and impenetrable shadows that harboured wraiths who would suck you dry of your blood.
The mild resentment Timozel had once harboured towards Axis now festered into an open wound.
It befell that Our Lord on Palm Sunday preached in Jerusalem, and there He found in the people that all hardness was harboured in them, and there He found in all the town not one that would harbour him.
Then departed Gawaine and came to Ector, and so took their horses and rode till they came to a forester's house, which harboured them right well.
If any of the Elders still harboured doubts that the younger generation would leave the comforts of Talon Spike for the rigours of reclaiming Tencendor, then those doubts were now lost.
She harboured no childish visions about Axis asking for her hand in marriage.
And then it happened him to come to a poor man's house, and there he was harboured all that night.
The Duke, because he had been so very much longer without treatment than Smithy, Oakley, or Gerran, had gone very very close to the edge indeed, to the extent that I had on one occasion almost given up his case as being intractably hopeless, but the Duke was a great deal more stubborn than I was and that skeletal frame harboured an iron constitution : even so, without almost continuous artificial respiration, a heart stimulant injection and the copious use of oxygen, he would surely have died: now he would as surely live.
It wasn't that I harboured any particular suspicion towards any of the four: they might just consider it very odd if I were to elect to sleep up there for the night lien I'd a perfectly comfortable cabin down below.
That she harboured no lethal intent towards me I was sure: I was equally sure that she was determined not to let me out of her sight and that this was the most effective way she knew of doing just that.
Thus ended Beleg Strongbow, truest of friends, greatest in skill of all that harboured in the woods of Beleriand in the Elder Days, at the hand of him whom he most loved.
And afterwards thy wife and thy daughter were harboured here with honour and goodwill.