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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Harangue \Ha*rangue"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Harangued (h[.a]*r[a^]ngd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Haranguing.] [Cf. F. haranguer, It. aringare.] To make an harangue; to declaim.


vb. (present participle of harangue English)

Usage examples of "haranguing".

During the ensuing row, the nagging emptiness in the pit of his stomach was subsumed by haranguing of a more spectacular nature.

The Fox knew they—and probably Authari, too—would be haranguing their retainers every day till Gerin got back to Ricolf's holding.

Adiatunnus, he swears you stand behind him and listen when he's haranguing his men.

The Fox knew they—and probably Authari, too—would be haranguing their retainers every day till Gerin got back to Ricolf's holding.

Knights came running from their pavilions with swords already drawn and only mail coats for protection, shouting and haranguing their men into some semblance of order and bullying their soldiers into catching up spears.

If it's not the cattle stampeding, it's the priests haranguing the crowds.

He spoke well and fluently, haranguing the crowd and raising their spirits, inciting them to rebellion.

Advertisements flashed on and off, the razor-bright holos jumping out everywhere, and haranguing anyone stupid enough to make eye contact.

Leslie Springfield was right iHII i here in front, of course, haranguing the gathered faithful.

Thinking that the absence of the consuls afforded a good opportunity for tribunitian agitation, he spent several days in haranguing the plebeians on the overbearing arrogance of the patricians.

But violence won the day, for the guardians, after haranguing a number of their partisans in the Forum on the iniquity of the verdict, collected a body of men and carried off the maiden from her mother's house.