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Hanguana is a genus of flowering plants with a dozen known species. It is the only genus in the family Hanguanaceae.

The APG II system, of 2003 does recognize such a family and places it in the order Commelinales, in the clade commelinids, in the monocots. This represents a slight change from the APG system, of 1998, which left Hanguanaceae unplaced as to order, but assigned it to these same clades (although it used the name commelinoids). The family consists of only very few species of perennial, tropical plants in Sri Lanka, Southeast Asia, New Guinea, Micronesia, and northern Australia.

Species currently accepted (August 2014):

  1. Hanguana bakoensis Siti Nurfazilah, Sofiman Othman & P.C.Boyce - Sarawak
  2. Hanguana bogneri Tillich & E.Sill - Sarawak
  3. Hanguana exultans Siti Nurfazilah, Mohd Fahmi, Sofiman Othman & P.C.Boyce - Peninsular Malaysia
  4. Hanguana kassintu Blume - Java
  5. Hanguana loi Mohd Fahmi, Sofiman Othman & P.C.Boyce - Sarawak
  6. Hanguana major Airy Shaw - Sarawak, Sabah
  7. Hanguana malayana (Jack) Merr. - Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Philippines, New Guinea, Queensland, Northern Territory, Palau
  8. Hanguana neglecta ? - Malaya
  9. Hanguana nitens Siti Nurfazilah, Mohd Fahmi, Sofiman Othman & P.C.Boyce - Peninsular Malaysia
  10. Hanguana pantiensis Siti Nurfazilah, Mohd Fahmi, Sofiman Othman & P.C.Boyce - Peninsular Malaysia
  11. Hanguana podzolica Siti Nurfazilah, Mohd Fahmi, Sofiman Othman & P.C.Boyce - Peninsular Malaysia
  12. Hanguana stenopoda Siti Nurfazilah, Mohd Fahmi, Sofiman Othman & P.C.Boyce - Peninsular Malaysia