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hands over

vb. (en-third-person singularhand over)

Usage examples of "hands over".

He slowed and clamped his hands over his ears in a vain attempt to protect them, wanting to roar with the pain.

The trees spun and she pressed the heels of her hands over her eyes.

Toren muttered under his breathe while he ran his hands over Andreas face.

Each time, Mitsu threw her head back and pressed her hands over her eyes, looking on the thin edge of exhaustion.

He turned back to Naxk, who was huddled against the wall, hands over her large, mobile ears.

Then he lays her on his knees and passes his hands over the small body in a series of slow, rhythmical movements.

Then, instead of resuming with the catalogues or playing with some other of his toys, he leaned back and clasped his hands over the duck repository and shut his eyes.

The Terran did not need to run his hands over that rough surface to recognize the nature of the find.

Smoothing his hands over her tousled hair, he kissed her mouth, shaping her lips with his own.

Then she collapsed into a chair carved delicately from a single giant fishbone and began to cry with her hands over her face.

The Master made a defeated motion, ran his hands over the table interposed between he and Scop, the material of the table due to the extreme poverty and transparency of the dream of a weak rubber which yielded easily to his fingertips, damp spots as residue to the pressure when the fingers were removed.

Randy hands over his documents and answers the questions while bending down to heft the duffel bag up onto the metal tabletop.