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n. (plural of handmaiden English)

Usage examples of "handmaidens".

I figured it was my own special burden, so I done it with nary a complaint, and pretty soon we had three full eight-hour shifts of handmaidens toiling away in the service of the Lord, and an awful lot of the windows in the other buildings were temporarily boarded up.

The other buildings the handmaidens had, and the two daughters of Aeetes, Chalciope and Medea.

And going forth she mounted the swift chariot, and with her went two handmaidens on each side.

Queen of Honce-the-Bear was certainly feeling physically better now, and so she was enthusiastic when one of her handmaidens appeared, bearing a tray of food.

After all, my handmaidens willingly and knowingly make the sacrifices that are asked of them.