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handlebar mustache

n. (context US English) (alternative spelling of handlebar moustache English)

Usage examples of "handlebar mustache".

So what he done, he took a bead and skinned half the handlebar mustache off of the ringleader, who had stood up in the boat and was hollering about how E.

An enormous blond handlebar mustache jutted out on each side of his ruddy-cheeked face.

I was wearing a handlebar mustache and a three-day growth of beard.

With a stubble of beard showing where his handlebar mustache wasn’.

I said, Im- and the station door opened, and a portly middle-aged man wearing a bowler and a handlebar mustache came out.

Thought he was so cool, with his handlebar mustache and all his muscles.

She suspected he wore his bristly handlebar mustache for the same reason she kept her hair long: to give aliens something by which to recognize him.

Each was about half a meter in length, the same as the floats, and was covered with a fine gray far that formed something not unlike a long handlebar mustache below the double nostrils.

He's got a tough, craggy face, high cheekbones, a black handlebar mustache.

Here a young bartender was talking and wiping glasses and an old man with handlebar mustache sat discussing something earnestly.

Described as having neck-length blond hair and an enormous handlebar mustache.