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The Collaborative International Dictionary

handbell \handbell\ n. a bell that is held in the hand.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

Old English handbelle; see hand (n.) + bell (n.).


n. (context music English) A small bell designed to be rung by hand.


n. a bell that is held in the hand


A handbell is a bell designed to be rung by hand. To ring a handbell, a ringer grasps the bell by its slightly flexible handle - traditionally made of leather, but often now made of plastic - and moves the wrist to make the hinged clapper inside the bell strike. An individual handbell can be used simply as a signal to catch people's attention or summon them together, but handbells are generally heard in tuned sets.

Usage examples of "handbell".

It was customary at Canons Grange for the footmen to bring in and serve each course, and then withdraw from the room until Mr Hartwell rang a small handbell to summon them to take out the remains and bring in the next course.

The handbell, the regular companion of the thunderbolt symbol, was also used together with the hand-drum (damaru) or thigh-bone trumpet in exorcistic ceremonies.

They have a handbells concert tonight in Ely, and they're extremely eager to see Christ Church's bells.

Piantini making mistake after mistake on the handbells, murmuring, "Sorry," over and over.

As Mamita lies on her back waiting to die (she has predicted the hour of her death long ago), her two daughters, Magda and Terese, are listening to the little handbells Mamita has threaded through her fingers.

Still ringing the handbells, the villagers exited from the West Gate and continued out along the cliff road, past the excavated spot where It had rolled into the sea the night before.

They blew whistles and rang handbells, and they had looted drums out of some temple, long black hollow logs covered with carvings.

An altar stood in front of her, beyond the center pole, containing a golden cup filled to the brim with oil with the surface lit and burning, a mirror with handle inlaid with gold and pearls, a silver handbell, and a stoppered flask.