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The Collaborative International Dictionary

hand-picked \hand-picked\ adj. carefully selected; as, a hand-picked jury; the company's president groomed his hand-picked successor.


a. 1 (context of fruit, etc English) picked by hand rather than by machinery 2 (context by extension of people English) specially selected because of their individual characteristics or talents


adj. carefully selected; "a hand-picked jury"

Usage examples of "hand-picked".

Hanshiro, Kasane, and Shintaro and several guards behind her, Cat followed the bearers, hand-picked by Lord Hino, through the dark garden to a hidden door in the rear castle wall.

John Dean is in prison, Richard Nixon has quit and been pardoned by his hand-picked successor, and my feeling for national politics is about the same as my feeling for deep-sea fishing, buying land in Cozumel or anything else where the losers end up thrashing around in the water on a barbed hook.

It's the only thing that explains a Barghast shaman bringing himself and his hand-picked hunters into the area.

Lale had chosen them well—had hand-picked every one of them, searching out small strangenesses, buddings, beginnings of talents like his own.

The tight, well knit community of some two hundred men was about to fall apart, and he reflected upon the pity of it, the waste - a hand-picked crew of able seamen, many of whom had sailed with him for years and some, like his coxswain, his steward, and four of his bargemen, ever since his first command - they were used to one another, used to their officers - a ship's company in which punishment was extremely rare and where discipline did not have to be imposed since it came naturally - while for gunnery and seamanship he did not know their equal - and this invaluable body of men was to be dispersed among a score of ships or even, in the case of the officers, thrown on shore .

Navy would never act against the country's best interests) Corporation X, since it draws down DOD funds, must be staffed by the most loyal of directors) The Security Force, being hand-picked, is unquestionably the court of last resort, and we can safely rely on them to clear up this mess.

When Mara and her two officers had reached the cho-ja hive on her estates, she was joined by ten hand-picked warriors in armor without house markings, and another, a dock worker she had never seen before, who spoke Thuril as his birth tongue.

We seized Craig's office at once, ignoring the howls and curses of the mob in the Elks bar -- where the out-going mayor's troops were already gathering to celebrate the victory of his hand-picked successor.

They were starting off the broadcast with a round-table discussion among the four metapundits whom Ogle had hand-picked from Central Casting.

Most of it was occupied by Communications, the hand-picked inter-services team of operators whose only interest was the world of microwaves, sunspots, and the 'heaviside layer'.

While crews' wages were cut and living conditions reduced to barely subsistence levels, the owners grew fat, as did some of the less desirable directors of those companies and a considerable number of carefully hand-picked and favoured shareholders.

Meanwhile the Rev's hand-picked favorites lounge, scarfing Mai Tais and lobster salads before taping, greasing each other's lats and triceps in preparation for the shoot.

Mangan had also hand-picked and trained all the primary members of the Court of Esphania for their experience and varied skills so that the prince's council would support their ruler and deftly handle any problems that might arise.

But Rawcliff knew that there would be other eyes watching them: closed circuit TV, two-way mirrors, hand-picked experts scrutinizing every face, every suspicious expression and mannerism.