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hammerhead sharks

n. (plural of hammerhead shark English)

Usage examples of "hammerhead sharks".

Buffaloes are grand, but name another park that harbors panthers at one end and hammerhead sharks at the other.

The sides of his head were shaved and tattooed with images of hammerhead sharks.

As Dar walked over to the rail to look inside the Aboshan trench for the first time, five hammerhead sharks broke the waves and dived through the hole.

I thought of the fresh marks I had seen on the undersides of the hammerhead sharks in the great tank, marks made by no parasite for Haggopian had returned his lampreys to the sea all of three years earlier.

The sunfish was followed by a pair of small hammerhead sharks no more than five feet in length.

What she was asking me to do was more terrifying than suggestions of diving into a tank of hammerhead sharks.