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n. 1 (plural of hamilton English) 2 (alternative form of Hamiltons English)

Usage examples of "hamiltons".

Henry and me got on all right, I never held a thing against him, but when he visited the Hamiltons, them people let that nigger eat right at the table.

So James Hamiltons was kin to us, and they was our neighbors down that way for many years, but they told people they was no relation.

Said the Hamiltons was making a fine start cause we had almost every shade of color, all we needed was a whisker of Chinese.

Short used to visit with the Hamiltons, used to eat at their table, and he held a high opinion of that family.

One time me and Henry was visiting the Hamiltons, and Old Man Richard was carrying on about Injun ancestry, and how Henry Short looked like a Choctaw, too.

Islands was kind of like them Hamiltons, as Tant Jenkins used to say, they never was as black as they was painted.

Sunday them young Hamiltons would sail up Chatham River on the tide, visit the Frenchman, and drop back down to Mormon Key when the tide turned.

Leon was born the year the Hamiltons give up farming Chatham Bend and went fishing for a year on Fakahatchee.

After Bill House went away, after the Frenchman died and the Hamiltons left to spend a year down to Flamingo, we never saw another boat along our river.

Gene told Leon that Mister Watson was just paying in advance for having the Hamiltons and their guns to back him if it come to trouble.

It took them Hamiltons, people said, to make up such a frightful story.

Spoke in a big muddy groan, more like a cow, moaning and mumbling and taking on how his only begotten sons was too young to die just cause these deputies was looking to get their ears shot off, and anyways, Mister Watson was their friend and generous neighbor, and how could Hamiltons turn around and go against him?

If Watson killed any Hamiltons, them families never said too much about it.

Despite friendship with Watson, the Hamiltons assume that he killed these young newcomers from Key West, which he himself appears to have confirmed by his hasty departure from the region.

Richard Hamiltons got friendly with Watson, too, took pains to keep it that way.