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n. (plural of halliard English)

Usage examples of "halliards".

They learned the difference between the mainmast and the mizzen, found that all the strong ropes that kept the masts erect and stiff were called stays, that the ropes that hoist sails are called halliards, and that sheets is the name given to the ropes that restrain the sails at the lower corner, and are used to haul them in more tightly when sailing close to the wind, or to ease them off when the wind is favourable.

From that time forth, whenever his ship was signaled in the offing, or he catted his anchor and stood out to sea, that ensign streamed from the royal halliards on the parliament house and the nation lifted their hats to it with spontaneous accord.

Men were up aloft, and the hands on deck had flaked and coiled halliards, braces, tacks and sheets.

High above, in a sudden breeze, flags and halliards snapped upon their staffs.

The topsail halliards were probably trailing alongside and saved him, as they have others under like circumstances.

Without more ado, Farrar, calling on me to give him a hand, eased down the halliards and began to close reef the mainsail.

There, clinging to the stout halliards of the sheet, he gazed with amazement at the long lines of black waves, each with its curling ridge of foam, racing in endless succession from out the inexhaustible west.