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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Haliotis \Ha`li*o"tis\ (h[=a]`l[i^]*[=o]"t[i^]s or h[a^]l`[i^]-), prop. n. [NL., fr. Gr. "a`ls sea + o'y^s, 'wto`s, ear.] (Zo["o]l.) A genus of marine shells; the ear-shells. See Abalone.


Haliotis, common name abalone (US) or ormer (UK), is the only genus in the family Haliotidae.

This genus used to contain 6 subgenera. These subgenera have become alternate representations of Haliotis.[4] The genus consists of small to very large edible herbivorous sea snails, marine gastropod molluscs. The number of species recognized worldwide ranges between 30 and 130 with over 230 species-level taxa described. The most comprehensive treatment of the family considers 56 species valid, with 18 additional subspecies.[8]

Usage examples of "haliotis".

The offerings to a greater shrine consisted of coarse woven silk (_ashiginu_), thin silk of five different colors, a kind of stuff called _shidori_ or _shidzu_, which is supposed by some to have been a striped silk, cloth of broussonetia bark or hemp, and a small quantity of the raw materials of which the cloth was made, models of swords, a pair of tables or altars (called _yo-kura-oki_ and _ya-kura-oki_), a shield or mantlet, a spear-head, a bow, a quiver, a pair of stag's horns, a hoe, a few measures of sake or rice-beer, some haliotis and bonito, two measures of _kituli_ (supposed to be salt roe), various kinds of edible seaweed, a measure of salt, a sake jar, and a few feet of matting for packing.

Fair temple-domes were pashed like shells of the haliotis, and haughty mansions were broken and stamped into the ground even as gourds.