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vb. (context transitive Cockney rhyming slang English) To pinch, to steal.

Usage examples of "half-inch".

Today there was no sound man present and Minh was using one-man equipment, a Betacam with half-inch tape incorporating picture and sound.

The packed, even sand gave way to a line of tumbled larger shells just beyond the high-tide line: clam halves ranging from several inches across down to half-inch coquinas, broken red and white conches with the inner spirals exposed, bleached sand-dollars decorated with five-leaf clover designs.

On the steel shank of the half-inch auger bit, using red nail polish, she has painted my name, Chris.

If he slid an inch, he thought, even a half-inch, he'd be flung into space like straw from a barn swallow's beak.

He was on a half-inch, hawser-laid nylon line with a breaking strength of four thousand pounds, secured to the trunk of a sturdy pine and belayed by two other deputies.

And that someone would have a half-inch wood chisel in his band and all your hardly won years of experience and knowledge and cunning counted for nothing for you never saw him coming and you never saw him coming because you had met your match at last and then you were dead.

In the main branch of the left coronary artery, an inch beyond its origin, he had exposed a pale, half-inch clot.

Automatically, he noticed the elastoplast was the thicker kind, from a roll two inches wide with a half-inch band of lint bulging up the middle of it.

The firemen threw the tarps over them as soon as they got here, but it looks to me like there’s maybe a half-inch of snow on him.

Then he landed and met a submarine, and after fucking-excuse me, Flo-fiddling around for an hour or so, which included one of his Airedales falling off the wing into the sea, the morons on the submarine-one of them an admiral's aide and the other a Marine major- finally realized what he could have told them all along, that you have a hell of a lot of trouble running a half-inch fuel line across the high seas from a submarine to a Catalina.

Taleswapper knelt and dipped his finger into a half-inch of water.

Most intresting," he said, grinning and then swallowing a half-inch of vodka.

Believe me, as long as we stick with half-inch videotape, and as long as we avoid releasing any images of your Dad standing with one arm around Cy Ogle, nobody who matters will think that he's ever been near a slick media man.

The Sergeant took a length of wire that hung looped on his belt and rammed it through the cannon's touch-hole, piercing the canvas bag beneath, then selected a priming tube, a reed filled with finely milled powder, and slid it down into the powder charge, but leaving a half-inch of the reed protruding above the touchhole.

Five of them belonged to Deborah, and on the dorsal surface of her left proximal phalange - or the top of the shaft, the longest of the index finger bones I found a half-inch cut.