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adv. In a half-hearted manner


adv. without enthusiasm; in a half-hearted manner; "she tried half-heartedly"

Usage examples of "half-heartedly".

Volo concurred half-heartedly, occasionally fingering his well-groomed beard with the hand that he had free from tending the traveler's pack that bounced as he strode.

Vosterov's Party branch shot for bringing the fearful apparition to his favourite event of the year, but waves of uncertainty seemed to spread out from the delegate for Central Moscow so instead the General Secretary contented himself with half-heartedly deporting some Ukrainians to Siberia.

The sidewalk stopped, and now they were walking along a beaten track from which weeds grew half-heartedly.

He lay slumped across his drum kit, mouthing the words to a song his mother had taught him back in Poona and blowing half-heartedly into a crisp-muffled kazoo.

After a long bath, Hoey was half-heartedly watching a documentary on grizzly bears in Canada.

The very next roll ended half-heartedly in a mere violent pitch, as the shrieking wind, acting upon her mainmast, pushed her stern round and brought her bows to the sea, while the loss of the leverage of the lofty foremast reduced the amplitude of the roll in any case.

I patrolled half-heartedly: little jabs with my stick, handing winos dimes and quarters to get them off the street and into the wine bars where I wouldn't have to roust them, low quotas on my drunk sweeps.