n. (context fantasy English) A person who is half elven and half human by birth.
In Norse mythology, a half-elf is the offspring of an elf and a human.
Notable examples include the Danish princess Skuld of Hrólf Kraki's saga, and the hero Högni of the Thidrekssaga (his mother was a human queen), and the royal line of Alfheim, which was related to the elves and more beautiful than other people, according to the Þorsteins saga Víkingssonar.
The half-elf is a player character race featured in Dungeons & Dragons and related material.
Usage examples of "half-elf".
He wanted to find the half-elf or the dhampir, or even the dog trying to get his Sapphire—something to take the brunt of his panicked rage.
The dhampir and her sly half-elf would be caught in their beds tonight and quickly killed.
Rig sloshed down the steps and threw his weight against the door, budging it just enough for the half-elf to slip out.
Elves could do this, when pressed, but Ferret never would have credited that a half-elf could manage such a feat. She herself had traveled even farther, but she had done so on four legs.
All the half-elves I’ve seen show their blood—it’s one thing that made me think he couldn’t be the prince after all.
All the half-elves I've seen show their blood - it's one thing that made me think he couldn't be the prince after all.
These elves and half-elves and wizards, they would come to grief perhaps.
The half-elf found the climb easy, though he slipped the last few feet, landing in an inch of water.
Off it scuttled, scolding the half-elf as if she had been the source of its misery all along.
But then, to El, cities meant stone and humans, crammed together in their filth and shouting and seriousnesses, with a scattering of halflings and half-elves and a dwarf or two among the crowd.
Kneeling beside a clear-water fountain, another ancient half-elf in faded, threadbare clothes, went about his weeding, oblivious to their arrival.
There was no doubt in the half-elf s mind: she was looking upon one of her ancestors, one of the elves who had once wielded the sword in her hand.