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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Hairbreadth \Hair"breadth`\ (-br[e^]dth), Hair's breadth \Hair's" breadth`\ (h[^a]rz"-). The diameter or breadth of a hair; a very small distance; sometimes, definitely, the forty-eighth part of an inch.

Every one could sling stones at an hairbreadth and not miss.
--Judg. xx. 16.


n. a very short distance or a very small amount (as is the width of a hair)


n. a very small distance or space; "they escaped by a hair's-breadth"; "they lost the election by a whisker" [syn: hair's-breadth, hair, whisker]

Usage examples of "hairsbreadth".

Michel did not know, could not guess the hairsbreadth escape that loomed, the clever manipulation that could, and just might, prove fatal.

I gasped when Bianca brought down the cleaver with unexpected swiftness, the deadly blade splitting the pomegranate a mere hairsbreadth from her fingertips.

But Dan could not turn his gaze by so much as a hairsbreadth to see what they contained.

But I admit I am forced to wonder just a hair at your motives, and so I will give you a hairsbreadth chance to redeem yourself.

She had slid her warm, smooth body on top of mine, belly between my legs, and her eyes had been wide, watching as the flush hit my cheeks, smiling as her pulse and mine ratcheted up and synchronized, as we came within a hairsbreadth of moving together in a dance that meant nothing to her, nothing.

Every hairsbreadth of movement cost him dearly, but he freed himself and stepped back from in between the uprights.

It swung up over the ten-stone mark and pendulumed down and finally settled a hairsbreadth on the right side.

The separation between the blips closed to a few millimetres, then to a hairsbreadth spacing which seemed to endure for an eternity.

A final shaft missed his left elbow by a hairsbreadth, hitting the control panel to the gateway, splintering one of the numbered buttons, breaking the plastic cover, revealing all the mass of tangled multicolored wiring beneath.

Zanita raised her head slightly off the pillow, bringing her lips a hairsbreadth from his own.

I suppose you expect me to bake myself in the broiling sun for the sake of hitting the target a hairsbreadth closer to the center.

Fangs snapping a hairsbreadth from his throat, the sight of the stocky red body dripping with ground water as it rose after an impact that should have been crushingly final.

If he misjudged the distance, if he miscalculated by a hairsbreadth, he was as good as dead.

Exchanging stories, they learned that each of them had had a hairsbreadth escape from capture.

Then, while he was still exhausted, he had come within a hairsbreadth of drowning.