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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ C: What net's that, Geoffrey, your hairnet?
▪ She is a big lady and with that hairnet on, her head looks like a helmet.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

hairnet \hair"net`\ n. a small net that some women wear over their hair to keep it in place.


n. A net designed to keep hair up and out of the way. (used, e.g., while cooking)


n. a small net that some women wear over their hair to keep it in place


A hairnet, or sometimes simply a net or caul, is a small, often elasticised, fine net worn over long hair to hold it in place. It is worn to keep hair contained. A snood is similar but a looser fit and with a much coarser mesh and noticeably thicker yarn.

Usage examples of "hairnet".

Cotton strings from the hairnet straggled down her nape, and she wore a flowered housedress and a full-length flowered apron.

Nora watched as, with finicky care, Bonarotti inflated an air mattress, applied nocturnal facial creams, and readied what appeared to be a hairnet and a facial mask.

Little kids, a couple of Mexican-looking women with hairnets like they worked in food-preparation, some rough-looking boys in muddy workclothes and leaning on shovels and push-brooms there.

More workers in white aprons, hairnets, and plastic gloves were washing salad greens, arranging them on plates that had been laid out on the stainless-steel counter.

Young black men in hairnets mopped off surfaces, swung chairs onto tables upside-down, fast and efficient, reminding her how she'd intended to be more enthusiastic on the job.

Competitors in the open jumping were pulling on long black boots, the women tucking long hair into hairnets and hotting up their horses over the practice fence.