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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
cerebral haemorrhage (=bleeding in the brain)
▪ a cerebral haemorrhage
▪ There was no difference between the aspirin and placebo groups in the incidence of cerebral haemorrhage.
▪ Leech had conducted a post-mortem examination and found cerebral haemorrhage as the cause of death.
▪ Pathologist Mustansir Nurbhai said Mr Thompson died of extensive cerebral haemorrhage due to a fractured skull.
▪ Rose At the age of sixty-one, Rose had a massive cerebral haemorrhage.
▪ The vulture instinct would make him acutely observant for any signs of imminent cerebral haemorrhage in the actor.
▪ Fulton lay on the permafrost, miming a cerebral haemorrhage.
▪ He died from a cerebral haemorrhage shortly afterwards.
▪ The cause of death was a cerebral haemorrhage.
▪ Maria's demise was certainly caused by a massive haemorrhage of the brain.
▪ Rose At the age of sixty-one, Rose had a massive cerebral haemorrhage.
▪ Miss Diane died of a brain haemorrhage after a sharp difference of opinion with the producer about salary.
▪ He survived a serious brain haemorrhage in 1955 and in the same year became rector of Thelveton in Norfolk.
▪ Health assessments will also be made of Forster and his wife, who has suffered a brain haemorrhage.
▪ Nigel had had a brain haemorrhage.
▪ Having survived peritonitis and a brain haemorrhage on top of an inoperable cancer, who was to speculate?
▪ She had even saved his life in 1978, when he sank into a coma after suffering a brain haemorrhage.
▪ The doctor had told me that it was probable that he would die from either an infection or a brain haemorrhage.
▪ The neurologist diagnosed a possible brain haemorrhage, and had Rose admitted to a specialist hospital in London.
▪ Endoscopic injection, however, is still the most convenient and cost effective means for the arrest of peptic ulcer haemorrhage.
▪ If there's any chance it is placenta praevia, it could detach and cause a haemorrhage.
▪ Leech had conducted a post-mortem examination and found cerebral haemorrhage as the cause of death.
▪ Maria's demise was certainly caused by a massive haemorrhage of the brain.
▪ One patient in the corrosive group had a minor upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage which stopped spontaneously.
▪ Sphincterotomy is sometimes performed to facilitate biliary stenting, and consequent haemorrhage may occasionally be a cause of death.
▪ The child with high myopia is also at risk of further visual deterioration from muscular haemorrhage or retinal detachment.
▪ There was no difference between the aspirin and placebo groups in the incidence of cerebral haemorrhage.
▪ But the tide of voter approval for her stand could scarcely be ignored by a party haemorrhaging support.
▪ Lesley started haemorrhaging before her baby was due.
▪ Stefan had begun haemorrhaging in the night.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

see hemorrhage; also see æ.


n. 1 (context British spelling pathology English) A heavy release of blood within or from a body. 2 (context figurative English) A sudden or significant loss vb. 1 (context British spelling intransitive English) To bleed copiously. 2 (context transitive figuratively English) To lose (something) in copious and detrimental quantities.


n. flow of blood from a ruptured blood vessels [syn: bleeding, hemorrhage]

Haemorrhage (band)

Haemorrhage is a five-piece goregrind band from Madrid, Spain.

Formed in 1990 as Devourment, Haemorrhage began its life as a trio, with Jose on bass and vocals, Luisma on guitar, and Emilio on drums, though this only lasted until the summer of 1991, when Emilio left the band. The group soon reformed, this time as duo, with Luisma again playing the role of guitarist and Jose taking over as drummer, with both performing vocals, and released their first demo as Haemorrhage, Grotesque Embryopathology. Near the end of 1993, Lugubrious and Ramon joined the band as vocalist and bassist, respectively. Between 1994 and 1995, Haemorrhage recorded a seven song promo tape, which was sent to Morbid Records and resulted in a two-album contract, welcomed guitarist Ana, and recorded their first release, Emetic Cult. However, Jose left in the following year due to personal issues and was replaced by Rojas. After releasing five studio albums on Morbid Records the band gets signed to Relapse Records which put out their new disc "Hospital Carnage".

Haemorrhage are, like many goregrind bands, heavily influenced by Carcass, yet still have an identity all their own. Live shows typically feature band members sporting surgeon's outfits and vocalist Lugubrious covered in blood, which is common in the goregrind scene. Artwork is almost exclusively done by guitarist Luisma.

Usage examples of "haemorrhage".

Dioscorides advised that it should be applied externally for sores of every kind, and taken internally against haemorrhages.

US prestige could not have been greater, the Soviet Union was haemorrhaging in Afghanistan and the corridors of power buzzed with news of the famed Star Wars initiative with which the Pentagon intended to militarize space.

She told me that my haemorrhage would little by little leave me, provided I should never disclose to any one what she had done to cure me, and she threatened me, on the other hand, with the loss of all my blood and with death, should I ever breathe a word concerning those mysteries.

There'll be a contraction of the bladder, bone fractures that won't mend, inflammation of the kidneys, liver, spinal cord and heart, bronchopneumonia, thrombosis, cancer and aplastic anaemia which will lead to subcutaneous haemorrhaging - in other words you'll bleed to death under the skin.

It has been used to arrest haemorrhage from the lungs or alimentary tract, but this property is not assigned to it in modern medicine.

Shock, loss of blood through catastrophic internal haemorrhage, cardiac failure, fractured skull.

I examined him, and came to the conclusion that death had been caused by a blow on the back of the neck, dislocating the fourth and fifth cervical vertebrae, bruising the spinal cord and producing internal haemorrhage and partial paralysis of the brain.

I mean, people are dying of coronary thrombosis or cerebral haemorrhage or things of that kind all the time nowadays.

It has also been employed in the treatment of internal haemorrhage, in inflammatory diseases, in delirium tremens, in epilepsy, in acute mania and various other diseases, with real or supposed benefits.

A sharp object penetrated the frontal lobe -here - and pierced the meninges and caused a haemorrhage.

Back home there's a guy who works in my nearest off-licence: he's got a conk like a haemorrhaged strawberry.

At three minutes past midnight, while doctors fussed over broken toe, Vanita had haemorrhaged and died.

An eight-metre section of the hull buckled upwards, and a volcanic geyser of deuterium haemorrhaged out towards the stars past shredded fingers of silicon.

Nausea, maybe, diarrhoea, dizziness, tinnitusthat's ringing in the earsbreathing difficulties, gastric haemorrhages, oedema of gastric mucosa, possible rupture of the oesophagus.

In a person of that age, consequent upon such a shock and localised haemorrhages, I suppose a brain haemorrhage` He stopped, realising what he had said.