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Crossword clues for haemodoraceae

The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bloodwort \Blood"wort`\, n. (Bot.) A plant, Rumex sanguineus, or bloody-veined dock. The name is applied also to bloodroot ( Sanguinaria Canadensis), and to an extensive order of plants ( H[ae]modorace[ae]), the roots of many species of which contain a red coloring matter useful in dyeing.


Haemodoraceae is a family of perennial herbaceous flowering plants with 14 genera and 102 known species. It is sometimes known as the "Bloodwort family". Primarily a Southern Hemisphere family, they are found in South Africa, Australia and New Guinea, and in the Americas (from SE U.S.A. to tropical South America). Perhaps the best known are the widely cultivated and unusual Kangaroo Paws from Australia, of the two closely related genera Anigozanthos and Macropidia.