vb. (en-pasthave another think coming)
Usage examples of "had another think coming".
Odin had another think coming if he and his buddies thought they could stop me just by pulling the ground out from under my feet.
If he expected a naive, accommodating rustic female, he had another think coming!
If she thought she could outwait Sharon O'Neal she had another think coming.
If she thought she could work this off in bed, she had another think coming.
And if she thought he was going to hot-foot it over to her mother's and whine around and beg her to come home, she had another think coming.
But if Niall thought she was going to fall all over herself fawning over him, he had another think coming.
Told him that she'd heard the news, and if he thought she had the least intention of standing by her husband, who was a mass-murderer, he had another think coming.
If people like Velden of Grib and Pirro of Fessenden thought he would excuse their cowardice, they had another think coming.