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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Habituate \Ha*bit"u*ate\ (h[.a]*b[i^]t"[-u]*[=a]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Habituated (h[.a]*b[i^]t"[-u]*[=a]`t[e^]d); p. pr. & vb. n. Habituating (h[.a]*b[i^]t"[-u]*[=a]`t[i^]ng).] [L. habituatus, p. p. of habituare to bring into a condition or habit of body: cf. F. habituer. See Habit.]

  1. To make accustomed; to accustom; to familiarize.

    Our English dogs, who were habituated to a colder clime.
    --Sir K. Digby.

    Men are first corrupted . . . and next they habituate themselves to their vicious practices.

  2. To settle as an inhabitant. [Obs.]
    --Sir W. Temple.


vb. (present participle of habituate English)