n. 1 (context British English) halfpennyworth. 2 (context British slang English) A silly or foolish person. 3 (context British slang English) A thing of little value.
Usage examples of "ha'porth".
Then the two beings merged together again, and it was he, Barbara's husband, the man who had been at Lord Liverpool's dinner-party last night and had a slight ache in the centre of his forehead today in consequence, who was to go out on this unpleasant task, where not a ha'porth of glory or distinction was to be won and the gravest risk was to be run of a fiasco which might make him the laughing-stock of the Navy and an object of derision through the country.
Dancing and cavorting an' enjoying themselves down there, an' me sitting, up here suffering the torments, an' nobody caring a ha'porth whether I'm living or dead.
But taking two very small absconders would not win him a ha'porth of promotion, whereas cracking on, being brought by the lee and limping home under a jury-rig would certainly earn him some very bitter words indeed, naval stores being what they are in Sydney.