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The Gyroxus is a full motion video game control and part of the genre of video gaming known as "extreme gaming". Video gamers sit in the seat of the Gyroxus, use their hands on the specially adapted controller, and use their bodies to bank left and right, pull back, and lean forward.

In most video games, a gamer's character is controlled by moving the left thumbstick of a standard butterfly-style game controller. Pushing the thumbstick forward and back moves the character forward and back, and moving it side to side creates similar motion of the character. The Gyroxus, however, is like a giant left thumbstick that a gamer sits in, which allows the gamer to control his or her character's movement with the whole body. This gives the gamer a greater feeling of involvement with the video game character since he or she feels the same motions as the character is going through on screen. Whether it is a plane, car, or soldier running around shooting people, the gamer gets the feeling of movement as your character moves through the game.

The Gyroxus requires no special tools to set up and can be easily dismantled and stored. It is compatible with PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Games for Windows, and it comes with customized controls for the various gaming platforms.

In 2009, the Gyroxus underwent a transformation and was released with a newer design, including a longer leg rest and new game pads.