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n. (plural of gyrfalcon English)

Usage examples of "gyrfalcons".

He proudly showed her the clean gravel-floored pens where roosted goshawks or sparrowhawks, merlins, hobbies, ospreys, peregrines, or the great and noble gyrfalcons, tethered to blocks and perches.

The only black left to him was a series of back markings among the white feathers, exactly like the black bars sometimes seen on the gyrfalcons of the north.

The smaller birds—merlins, goshawks, gyrfalcons, peregrines and golden eagles—had their roosts high up along the wall, with long ladders leading to them.

The smaller birds -- merlins, goshawks, gyrfalcons, peregrines and golden eagles -- had their roosts high up along the wall, with long ladders leading to them.