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n. (plural of gymkhana English)

Usage examples of "gymkhanas".

However, Guthrie Featherstone was a tall man, with a good calf in a silk stocking, and he took with him Marigold, his lady wife, who was young enough, and I suppose pretty enough, for Henry our junior clerk to eye wistfully, although she had the sort of voice that puts me instantly in mind of headscarves and gymkhanas, that high pitched nasal whining which a girl learns from too much contact with the saddle when young, and too little with the Timsons of this world in later life.

The ladies she saw was to do with business, 42 like, arranging bazaars and gymkhanas, if you know what I mean.

She understood this and between the icy sheets of her bed, surrounded by rosettes and silver cups and the photographs of her jumping her ponies at local gymkhanas, she was always especially and actively loving to make up for the Spartan nature of her home.