GVNML (Gram Vikas Navyuvak Mandal Laporiya) is an NGO working in the areas of Natural resource management, Child Rights and Reproductive Health. It is registered under the Rajasthan Society Registration Act 28 1958, FCRA, 80G and 12A, PAN, TAN and TDS. Registration Number: 489 / 85-86.
Unofficially its work began in 1977 in the village of Laporiya which is in the Dudu block of Jaipur district, Rajasthan, India. The organisations founder Laxman Singh began work on mobilizing local communities to rebuild local rainwater collection structures that had fallen into disrepair. This community group quickly evolved into GVNML which literally means Village Development New Youth Group Laporiya, and it was registered as an NGO in 1986.
The organisation has since, amongst other works, promoted the use of a unique water harvesting technique known as the chauka system which has been used to reduce soil erosion and provide year-round fodder on communal lands for cow and goatherds.
GVNML facilitates local action by building alliances and carrying out capacity building in community-based organisations, believing that empowering villagers is the only way to sustainably develop.