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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a gusty/blustery wind (=not blowing steadily)
▪ A blustery wind was sending light flurries of rain against the window.
▪ A sailing ship was passing, its mylar sails flapping in the gusty wind.
▪ We just went on sitting there, blown by the gusty wind and watching the sky where the plane had disappeared.
▪ Flying is often safer than towing into a really strong and gusty wind.
▪ The sky was low and constantly shifting as different layers of grey and black cloud were dragged around by gusty winds.
▪ A sailing ship was passing, its mylar sails flapping in the gusty wind.
▪ But now, looking out at the gusty darkening waste, she did remember.
▪ Flying is often safer than towing into a really strong and gusty wind.
▪ Grant launched an all-out attack on these defenses during the gusty,, rainy, and misty dawn of May 12.
▪ It is rarely an impossibility to find a third person, and in gusty weather this must make sense.
▪ The sky was low and constantly shifting as different layers of grey and black cloud were dragged around by gusty winds.
▪ To boot, the wind in the Sounds is gusty.
▪ We just went on sitting there, blown by the gusty wind and watching the sky where the plane had disappeared.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Gusty \Gust"y\, a. Subject to, or characterized by, gusts or squalls; windy; stormy; tempestuous.

Upon a raw and gusty day.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1600, from gust + -y (2). Related: Gustily; gustiness.


a. (context of wind English) blowing in gusts; blustery

  1. adj. blowing in loud and abrupt bursts; "blustering (or blusterous) winds of Patagonia"; "a cold blustery day"; "a gusty storm with strong sudden rushes of wind" [syn: blustering(a), blusterous, blustery]

  2. [also: gustiest, gustier]

Usage examples of "gusty".

PANTHEA: Look how the gusty sea of mist is breaking In crimson foam, even at our feet!

Great gusty shouts of laughter erupted from them, sending tears trickling down their cheeks.

He took them as they came, with his rags flapping about his wildly gyrating limbs, and the gusty echoes of his tittering sweeping the room above the screams.

With tense eagerness he searched the tree-tops below him, and exhaled a gusty sigh when he caught the glint of marble domes amidst the twinkling green.

The healthily-constructed young woman set it down on the table with gusty relief.

The point up to which Gusty looked like a normal Siamese cat was his waist, which was marked by a narrrow, cloudy grey band.

Florian, with a gusty sigh of relief, but he did not pursue the matter.

And they ate with gusty sighs of satisfaction, as if they had rediscovered something they had long been yearning for.

Next morning with a whoosh they are off east again, and in a few hours sailing are out on the ice with no land visible, skating on the gusty wind with runners clattering or shussing or whining or blasting, depending on wind and ice consistencies.

The sky was bright, dabs of white cloud pushed and buffeted across the blue expanse by a gusty, chill wind.

A chill, gusty wind plucked his sighs away and scattered them over the darkness of the harbour.

Marguerida gave a gusty sigh and he saw that she, was blinking tears away fiercely.

No shadow could come near him through the brightness of those fires of thanksgiving that burned on every hill and beach, through the circles of laughing dancers that ringed him about, singing his praise, swinging their torches in the gusty autumn night so that sparks rose thick and bright and brief upon the wind.

She threw up her head in a gusty gesture of wrath and despair as the thunder of the distant drums reached her ears.

When he toiled up the farther ramp and came out upon the crest, he breathed a gusty sigh of relief and stood Yasmina upon her feet.