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The Collaborative International Dictionary

gunsight \gun"sight\ n. A sight[9] attached to a gun, used for aiming it at the target. Same as sight[9].


n. an optical instrument which establishes an optical line or axis for the purpose of aiming a weapon


n. a sight used for aiming a gun [syn: gun-sight]

Usage examples of "gunsight".

It ran from the gold mines down near the Mexican border beginning at Lukeville up through Gunsight, to Ajo, through Gila Bend, and finally into Buckeye, where it linked up with the railroad that ran east and west out of Phoenix.

Royal Air Force Tornados flew combat air-patrol missions two hundred miles offshore while the American pilots rested, a few enterprising crew chiefs painted red stars underneath the cockpits, and intelligence officers evaluated gunsight videotapes and recordings of Soviet missile radars.

Logan Cates squinted his eyes against the shimmering heat waves and studied the dust of the riders who had camped last night at Gunsight Wells, who were also heading due west .

He picked out the leading Caproni in the third flight, hoping his attack would spoil the bomb-layer's aim, and he touched left rudder and rotated the Hurricane's nose downwards a hair's breadth until the silver and blue Caproni swam gently in the rose of his gunsight.

The pilot, who had his eyes squinted against the explosion he had feared as he watched the missile streak past, nc opened his eyes-the huge B-52 was centered in his gunsight Even so he felt he was a heartbeat too late-he should have been firing his cannon before the B-52 entered his sights.

What good fortune that these lost Americans have blundered straight into the gunsights of their destroyer escort!

C41 didnt know diddly squat about what was going on, but the strikers were used to being in life-and-death situations with no picture bigger than that of their gunsight images.

C41 didn't know diddly squat about what was going on, but the strikers were used to being in life-and-death situations with no picture bigger than that of their gunsight images.

If Jules or Pias or even the Empress had been in her gunsights and the aliens ordered her to fire, she would have gunned them down without hesitation.