n. A sort of outdoor tavern that once existed in the in the suburbs of Paris
Guinguettes were popular drinking establishments located in the suburbs of Paris and other cities in France. Guinguettes would also serve as restaurants and, often, as dance venues. The origin of the term comes from guinguet, indicating a sour white light local wine. The 1750 Dictionnaire de la langue français, defined Guinguette as a "Small cabaret in the suburbs and the surrounds of Paris, where craftsmen drink in the summer and on Sundays and on Festival days. This term is new. It comes apparently from what are sold in these cabarets: a malicious light local green wine , that is called ginguet, such as found around Paris." A Goguette was a similar kind of establishment.
Usage examples of "guinguette".
Ouen and the guinguettes and winehouses, at the Barriere de Clichy, a distance of two miles, there is but a solitary building.