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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ He guffawed at his nonstop jokes, and continued to welcome him as his visit extended through the spring into the summer.
▪ He hemmed, he hawed, he guffawed.
▪ How often we have witnessed such hubris, and how loudly we have guffawed.
▪ I regarded with distaste a group of sleek young yuppies in city suits, guffawing.
▪ One of the court officers guffawed but turned his head before Kovitsky could spot him.
▪ Walker heard them crying during the emotional scenes and guffawing through happy ones.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Guffaw \Guf*faw"\, n. A loud burst of laughter; a horse laugh. ``A hearty low guffaw.''

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1720, Scottish, probably imitative of the sound of coarse laughter. Compare gawf (early 16c.) "loud, noisy laugh." The verb is from 1721. Related: Guffawed; guffawing.


n. A boisterous laugh vb. (context intransitive English) To laugh boisterously.

  1. n. a burst of deep loud hearty laughter [syn: belly laugh]

  2. v. laugh boisterously [syn: laugh loudly]

Usage examples of "guffaw".

Zach swore, while George guffawed, and Coy danced behind Zach, softly clapping her gloved hands.

I would have to stand and endure his guffaws until he finally subsided into giggles and took my dirham and told me which room was available.

When Eccles turns to Harry to guffaw conspiratorially after this dig, bitterness cripples his laugh, turns his lips in tightly, so his small jawed head shows its teeth like a skull.

She had the audacity to wink at him while the lasses giggled and the men guffawed.

Benches flew back and men scurried in all directions, leaving Tivershem and Lockram guffawing on the floor.

As I watched Phoebe guffaw at her own bad jokes and order pint after pint to wash down her pork chops covered with thick, oniony sauce, I marveled at her abundance of misplaced confidence.

As if sensing his discomfort, Payn gave a guffaw of laughter and cuffed him on the back.

And a stuck switch somewhere in my brain went spung, and I burst out laughinga hold-your-belly-and-fold-over guffaw.

Hearty guffaws accompanied his statement, attesting to the skepticism of his brothers, who commenced to argue among themselves.

Rawney guffawed and pretended to swat Missus Shaughnessy on the bum as he went into the kitchen.

Ineptly smothering his own sputtering guffaws, Joe frantically thrust up his hands, again wiggling the fingertips for silence.

But then something unexpected: one of the Afridi, apparently with a rush of insight, shouted at the others, his pronouncement accompanied by a loud guffaw.

He drank a lot, guffawed a lot, and walked with a moderate limp, a piece of equipment having crushed his anklebone in the welding shop.

When Eccles turns to Harry to guffaw conspiratorially after this dig, bitterness cripples his laugh, turns his lips in tightly, so his small jawed head shows its teeth like a skull.

Glys Meadowsweet relaxed and allowed Xairtci to embrace her, while the Birds clucked, guffawed and made vulgar scratching sounds with their wings.