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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Guanaco \Gua*na"co\ (gw[.a]*n[aum]"k[-o]), n.; pl. Guanacos (-k[=o]z). [Sp. guanaco, Peruv. huanacu. Cf. Huanaco.] (Zo["o]l.) A South American mammal ( Auchenia huanaco), allied to the llama, but of larger size and more graceful form, inhabiting the southern Andes and Patagonia. It is supposed by some to be the llama in a wild state. [Written also huanaco.]


n. (plural of guanaco English)


Guañacos is a village and municipality in Neuquén Province in southwestern Argentina.

Usage examples of "guanacos".

Instantly there rose by the hundred roebucks and guanacos, like those that had swept over them that terrible night on the Cordilleras, but the timid creatures were so frightened that they were all out of gunshot in a twinkling.

Chekov tried to follow the confusion of human and animal footprints in that ochre mud, but could tell nothing about where the attackers had come from, or where they might have gone, only that enough riders had stormed these grounds to keep the guanacos fairly well confined while they were slaughtered.

It circled around to catch the frightened surge of guanacos, then slowly walked them back toward its handler.

By the time the ramp descended, the guanacos were back to grazing peacefully along the shore, and Gwen Thee was scolding Chekov about his whistle commands while a handful of black and merle dogs orbited around them.

Stephen looked at it attentively - ruminants' droppings without a doubt - and Eduardo told him that guanacos always came to the same place to defecate, came from a great way off - it was a natural law among them - but here, in this ancestral heap (so useful as fuel) nothing whatsoever had been deposited for months: the whole surface and the periphery were old, worn, and perfectly dry.