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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Grudge \Grudge\ (gr[u^]j), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Grudger; p. pr. & vb. n. Grudging.] [OE. grutchen, gruchen, grochen, to murmur, grumble, OF. grochier, grouchier, grocier, groucier; cf. Icel. krytja to murmur, krutr a murmur, or E. grunt.]

  1. To look upon with desire to possess or to appropriate; to envy (one) the possession of; to begrudge; to covet; to give with reluctance; to desire to get back again; -- followed by the direct object only, or by both the direct and indirect objects.

    Tis not in thee To grudge my pleasures, to cut off my train.

    I have often heard the Presbyterians say, they did not grudge us our employments.

    They have grudged us contribution.

  2. To hold or harbor with malicious disposition or purpose; to cherish enviously. [Obs.]

    Perish they That grudge one thought against your majesty !

  1. unwilling or with reluctance. n. The state of bearing a grudge. v

  2. (present participle of grudge English)

  1. adj. of especially an attitude; "gave grudging consent"; "grudging acceptance of his opponent's victory"

  2. reluctant to give or share; "grudging in her praise"

  3. petty in giving or spending; "a niggardly tip" [syn: niggardly, scrimy]

Usage examples of "grudging".

It was necessary, Auster told him in a few grudging words, to compensate for the presence of an undeveloped telepath inside the aircraft.

I suddenly realized that Calandra was beginning to pay a somewhat grudging attention to our surroundings.

Cradossk was a wilier old reptile, though-Boba Fett even had a grudging respect for the head of the Bounty Hunters Guild, from some long-ago encounters with him-and would know just what the score was with his feckless underlings.

To these men he was no Waiting King with a heavy mantel of impossible expectations, just another inlander who had managed to earn their grudging respect.

Jagat intended to make it considerably more difficult, if not impossible, for Dharampal to remain neutral, he had a grudging respect for the Vakil for having pulled it off this long.

He was Dickensian in costume, doubtless by design, but could not help explaining the grudging deference with which he treated Miss Palinode by mentioning that he remembered her father.

It was pretty much an unwritten rule of deCom conduct in the Uncleared to offer that much succour you never knew when it might be you but the competitive standoffishness of the trade made for grudging adherence.

Presiding at the table, Dolley could see wary skepticism give way to a frank, if grudging, appreciation.

Cradossk was a wilier old reptile, though-Boba Fett even had a grudging respect for the head of the Bounty Hunters Guild, from some long-ago encounters with him-and would know just what the score was with his feckless underlings.

Milt up and down with a grudging admiration: a badmouth but with guts and .

Whores, on the other hand, were fair game for anything and the drovers talked about them with grinning contempt, although a few particular women did seem to command a certain grudging, familiar admiration.

The earls bowed as Rhys Michael came among them to mount up, Tomais watchful at his side, but their deference was grudging, minimal.

Therefore he ranked quite high in his profession and even owned the grudging respect and regard of the military bureaucrats in charge of the Gamebird Facility.

After he had gained more than mere grudging attention from the gun captains, Sir Peter had them gather around closer and, with fingers that were big and work-stained and scarred, but still sure and rock-steady, he rapidly dismantled a brace of the friction primers and showed all of them the very simple works.

Even Marlon Sykes was looking at him with some grudging cousin of admiration.