vb. (context intransitive idiomatic English) To wane; to lose interest or enthusiasm for something or someone; to become disenchanted or to fall out of love with someone.
Usage examples of "grow cold".
I heard the growl of the pawns and saw the flails raised and felt the battlefield grow cold.
Sometimes, after shooting, Schmuh would line up his twelve dead sparrows on a newspaper, shed tears over the little bundles of feathers before they even had time to grow cold, and, still weeping, strew bird food over the Rhine meadows and the pebbles by the water.
But as Elouise sat and sat, saying nothing, she felt the silence grow cold and terrible, and for the first time she realized that when the airplane landed, Charlie would be her&mdash.
I watch him do it and, though my cheek is still burning from the heat of the fire, I grow cold.
After that they grow cold to public duty, as hearing, reading, godly conference, and the like.
If I had a room like that I wouldn't let it grow cold and musty like an old-fashioned parlour, I tell you that for nothing.
But how to explain this feeling that made her hands shake and the pit of her stomach grow cold?
Then I remember that there are still cities in Entoban* that grow cold as the winter comes close.
I waited for Ix Ykoki to go into convulsions, or to stiffen slowly and grow cold beside me, and I wondered what kind of punishment the Tzotxil dealt out to murderers of their women.
His hand began to numb, to grow cold, as if the thing were sucking the warmth out of his flesh.
Our fingers and toes grow cold as the veins and arteries in them constrict.
Maliks chest began to grow cold and tight, as it had when Fzoul Chembryl had asked a similar question in the hidden temple of Iyachtu Xvim.