Crossword clues for groundskeeper
n. Someone who takes care of the upkeep of the gardens
n. someone who maintains the grounds (of an estate or park or athletic field) [syn: groundsman, groundkeeper]
Usage examples of "groundskeeper".
Percival rarely kept any thought for any length of time, and when he spotted a pile of acorns lying unattended on the ground, he was too relieved that the groundskeeper had stayed in the tunnel to worry about anything else.
Cadderly shrugged and smiled, remembering the time he had seen the crooked old groundskeeper waving a rake and spitting threats at the tree that Percival and other squirrels were sitting in, complaining about the mess of acorn husks all over his freshly raked ground.
Fric watched the groundskeeper walk past the bronze bowel movement.
A small army of groundskeepers kept the luxuriant spring growth of flowers, herbs, and trees from running riot—but no one could impose similar order on the boy who ran an intricate pattern between the rose trees, kicking a deerhide ball before him.
The groundskeepers were in the process of replacing the white gravel along all the pathways.
At night, the on-property generator boosted it to a lethal voltage, and each morning a squad of five groundskeepers circled it in little electric golf carts, picking up the bodies of crisped rabbits, moles, birds, groundhogs, an occasional skunk lying in a pool of smell, sometimes a deer.
The first leaves fell, rattling across the neatly manicured lawns and grounds for the indefatigable corps of groundskeepers to remove in the morning.
In spite of heroic efforts to the contrary by Admiralty Groundskeepers, they took up permanent residence.
Each time the Groundskeepers invented a new pidwing repellent, one or more environmentalist groups would rush out of the woodwork and forbid its use in the name of Dame Nature.
When Garric revived the monarchy, the newly enlarged staff of groundskeepers had cleared away the mass as their first priority, but it would be years before these replacements grew into landscaping fit for the majesty of the Kingdom of the Isles.
They passed his groundskeepers, who were planting plane trees to line the drive.
The netmail from William Yorn, the groundskeeper, proved to be in a tone different from Devonshire’s.
Faint depressions from tires were evident Tracks from a power mower, a big one, the kind a groundskeeper rode.