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Grou is a town in the province Fryslân of the Netherlands and has around 5737 citizens (2007). Since 2014 is part of the municipality of Leeuwarden.

The town is located on the Pikmeer lake and the Prinses Margrietkanaal. Heineken operated a distribution centre for Fryslân in Grou for 25 years until 2004.

It used to be the capital of municipality of Idaarderadeel before the reorganization of municipalities in 1984, and of the municipality of Boarnsterhim until 2014. Grou celebrates Sint Piter as a holiday on February 21, which differs from most of the Netherlands.

A nickname for the town is Tsiisferdûnsers, meaning cheese dancers, from a story where a fiddler was paid with cheese at a village dance.