vb. (present participle of grok English)
Usage examples of "grokking".
Back even before the healing which had followed his first grokking of the fact that he was not as his nestling brothers .
He himself had visited abandoned cities at home only on a few wonderful and dreadful occasionS, and then his teachers had stopped having him do so, grokking that he was not strong enough for such experience.
He had even taken, unassisted, the much more difficult hurdle of grokking at last the Martian orthodoxy that the water ceremony did not require water, that water was merely symbol for the essence beautiful but not indispensable.
He found both butterflies and women tremendously interesting-in fact, all the grokking world around him was enchanting and he wanted to drink so deep of it all that his own grokking would be perfect.
Mike understood (without grokking it) that these people made ritual of this simple necessity, a "growing closer" possibly almost as important and precious as the water ceremony.
It was a fact one could get used to, without grokking, just as the sameness of all girl faces could be gotten used to .
Since his failure to achieve mutual grokking on this subject, even with his brother Mahmoud, with his admittedly imperfect translation of the all-embracing Martian concept as: "Thou art God," be had simply waited until grokking was possible.
Then, as their grokking made them ever closer and Mike felt himself almost ready to discorporate, her voice called him back: "Oh?
He was still grokking it, trying at every opportunity to grok its fullness.
But the pale, wan Martian thing which parallels tumultuous human sexuality gave him no foundation for grokking either narcissism or voyeurism, modesty or display.
As her grokking of Martian thought had increased and as they had grown steadily closer in other ways they had begun to be able to use this common Martian convenience.
His idea is that whenever you encounter any other grokking thing-he didn't say 'grokking' at this stage-any other living thing, man, woman, or stray cat .
But it's her device for grokking, It could be gazing into a pool of water, or a crystal ball, or examining the entrails of a chicken.
I think-this is not a grokking but a mere guess-that they might do one of two things: either destroy us or attempt to conquer us culturally, make us over into their own image.
Incidentally, that was the grokking that changed Jill's attitude from squeamishness to hearty approval: when she finally grokked in fullness that it is utterly impossible to kill a man-that all we were doing was much like a referee removing a man from a game for 'unnecessary roughness.