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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Grogginess \Grog"gi*ness\, n.

  1. State of being groggy.

  2. (Man.) Tenderness or stiffness in the foot of a horse, which causes him to move in a hobbling manner.


n. 1 The characteristic or quality of being groggy. 2 Tenderness or stiffness in the foot of a horse, resulting in a hobble gait.

  1. n. a dazed and staggering state caused by alcohol

  2. a groggy state resulting from weariness

  3. marginal consciousness; "his grogginess was caused as much by exhaustion and by the blows"; "someone stole his wallet while he was in a drunken stupor" [syn: stupor, stupefaction, semiconsciousness]

Usage examples of "grogginess".

He shook his head, trying to clear away the grogginess of his short sleep.

Sam tried desperately to overcome the grogginess from his loss of blood.

Still, at the very least, his midnight walk had driven the peculiar grogginess away.