n. The act of making a grimace. vb. (present participle of grimace English)
Usage examples of "grimacing".
There was Camo, gesturing and grimacing at her to take one of the three vacant seats at the window table.
He served them disdainfully—he didn't make as much commission from the milder brews—and hurried off, grimacing thanks for the carefully generous gratuity.
Johnny ducked his head, scratching the nape of his neck and grimacing in embarrassment.
She drank the last gulp of coffee, grimacing at the bitter aftertaste.
Unless — ” Pol broke off and pinched his lower lip nervously, grimacing as his thoughts followed uneasy paths.
Iantine said, grimacing, "to learn new meanings to the word 'satisfactory'" Debera gave him a little frown.
She dressed quickly, grimacing as she stuffed her feet into clammy boots.
Moreta took the fellis wine down in one swallow, grimacing against the bitterness not even the wine could disguise.
He stretched and then adjusted his splinted leg slightly, grimacing against the awkwardness and discomfort.
He scooped up the overripe fruit and swallowed it down, grimacing at the slightly rancid taste.
Manotti said, grimacing as he very carefully removed a coil of tubing from the back of the first refrigerator.
He merely waved to those at the nearest table, who were grimacing at him and vigorously indicating that he should either shut his mouth or go elsewhere.
She felt the entire length of the wall, grimacing when she couldn't reach the top.
The barbarian locked his arm tight against his side, grimacing away the pain, and held the hydra in place.
Agile Catti-brie fired off her shot before she even completed the spin, grimacing as her shoulder spouted a red stream.