Crossword clues for grillwork
The Collaborative International Dictionary
grillwork \grill"work\ n.
netting made of wires.
Syn: wirework.
a framework of metal bars used as a partition or a grate; as, he stood on the grillwork over the ventilating shaft.
Syn: grill, grille.
n. The mesh of metal wire or bars which makes up a decorative metal grating
Grillwork is decorative grating of metal, wood, stone, or other material used as a screen, divider, barrier, or as a purely decorative element. It may function as a window, either with or without glazing. Grillwork may also refer to grilles, decorative front ends of motor vehicles. Grillwork is sometimes referred to as simply as a grill or as grille, but the latter terms do not convey a decorative quality. These words are all derived from the Old French greille.
Other terms are used to refer to such decorative work. If the screen is made from iron, the term ironwork is often used. The term in Spanish, reja can also refer to metal fences. If the screen is made from cutouts of wood, the term Fretwork is also used.
Usage examples of "grillwork".
The silenced weapon coughed four times in rapid succession, dispatching two parabellum manglers into the auto grillwork and two more at precise points through the windshield.
Cadillac, one of those models with massive tailfins and with what seemed to be five tons of chrome grillwork.
And Murdick's monotonous chirp the pitch of a busy signal came out of the grillwork behind the blood-spattered fangs.
And just beneath them, on the emĀbankment, he had gazed consideringly at the massive iron grillworks that barred passers-by from the subterranean mazes of the Paris sewers.