Crossword clues for grief-stricken
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Usage examples of "grief-stricken".
Alexander had returned from Chamonix grief-stricken and crushed by sorrow.
Ike Ironic from grief-stricken and, perhaps, guiltridden Fifth Avenue in the city of New York, where he lived like a stranger, but has died like a long-lost son.
Later he got in trouble for chasing grief-stricken relatives of the Valujet crash victims, a squalid little hustle that Humberto blamed on overzealous staff members at his law firm.
Overturned vehicles and abandoned bicycles littered Changan Avenue, and an even bigger number of fires were flaring up as the grief-stricken and angry residents continued to torch tanks and armored personnel carriers.
Neither a conniving and impractical sorcerer nor a grief-stricken madman was fit for the job.
Guessing that despite the casualties the pilots would be acclaimed for bringing the airplane in, Minh held the captain's grief-stricken face in closeup.
But inquiries next morning elicited the fact that Madame Aout had died without regaining consciousness and that on being told, the grief-stricken girl had accepted sympathetic ministrations for only half an hour.
Running back to the front door stumbling and shouting into the street where a taxi was slowing to let out an elderly couple, neighbours from the adjoining brown-stone and they and the driver stared at this chalk-faced grief-stricken boy in an unbuttoned duffel coat, barehead running into the street screaming, ``Help us!
As the grief-stricken, burgled, beaten-up person on the sofa, she was unrecognizable.
And of course he would have been grief-stricken, devastated, all the human things Karl can be—but it would not have been my secret any more.
And just as I was dwelling on these happy thoughts outside on the sidewalk, I turned to see two members of the film crew running toward me, with absolutely grief-stricken expressions.
He didn't look exactly grief-stricken, although Astarth was a little green about the gills.
After some deer hunters found the body, Cab Mulcahy, the managing editor, had told Brian Keyes to go interview Callie Davenport’s grief-stricken parents.
Ukiah's open honesty moved Max out of his grief-stricken depression to the land of the living.