n. work in the form of a grid.
Usage examples of "gridwork".
Within the hangar, the Transpacific widebody stood in the glare of halogen lights, nearly hidden behind a gridwork of roll-up scaffolding.
They could also see the gridwork of its building lots, though ninety-five per cent of the original dwellings had been reduced to rubble by the trinuke, by the elements and by legions of human scavengers.
The gridwork display instantly dissolved, and he was looking through the lens of a motion sensor at the edge of their defensive perimeter.
In the gap he saw something, a gridwork of black pushing forward, out of nowhere.
The gridwork ceiling appeared to be the underside of an identical street directly above.
The trusses formed a gridwork, suspended above a subterranean chamber from which musty, turgid air flowed.
Another was installing an elevator door, and two more seemed to be inspecting the gridwork across the central canyon.
From even this slight elevation on the mound Britt can see that glowing high-voltage wires form a gridwork across the little city.
During the conversation he had been steering the Mercedes randomly around the gridwork of roads that covered the area, occasionally zigzagging his way back toward the Cozzano farmhouse.
A little smaller than his subordinates, this one had sculpted his face into a gridwork of raised scars.
For a few short seconds, the sky above the lake erupted into a gridwork of streaking plasma balls and flashing energy bolts, then one skiff burst into rubble and the other pulled up, vanishing into the sun with a stream of laser shafts chasing its tail.
Under higher magnification, the ship's screen showed the gridworks of numerous cities, and, surprisingly more faintly, the checkerboarding of cultivation.
Then he forced them through the gridwork, letting them fall below to the bulkhead just over the converters and dewars, each hitting with a nerve-rattling clank.
Then he forced them through the gridwork, letting them fall below to the bulkhead just over the converters and dewars, each hitting with a nerve-rattling clank.
The only visible horizon seemed to be made from warehouses and loading bays, where a spidery gridwork of gantry cranes and container stackers wove through every section of the big open structures.