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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Grene \Grene\, a. Green. [Obs.]


Grene may refer to:

  • Christopher Grene
  • David Grene
  • Gregory Grene
  • Marjorie Grene
  • Martin Grene

Usage examples of "grene".

Ande al graythed in grene this gome and his wedes: A strayte cote ful stre3t, that stek on his sides, A mere mantile abof, mensked withinne With pelure pured apert, the pane ful clene With blythe blaunner ful bry3t, and his hod bothe, That wat3 la3t fro his lokkez and layde on his schulderes.

Ther wat3 lokyng on lenthe the lude to beholde, For vch mon had meruayle quat hit mene my3t That a hathel and a horse my3t such a hwe lach, As growe grene as the gres and grener hit semed, Then grene aumayl on golde glowande bry3ter.

The lenkthe of an eln3erde the large hede hade, The grayn al of grene stele and of golde hewen, The bit burnyst bry3t, with a brod egge As wel schapen to schere as scharp rasores, The stele of a stif staf the sturne hit bi grypte, That wat3 wounden wyth yrn to the wandez ende, And al bigrauen with grene in gracios werkes.

The tayl and his toppyng twynnen of a sute, And bounden bothe wyth a bande of a bry3t grene, Dubbed wyth ful dere stone3, as the dok lasted, Sythen thrawen wyth a thwong a thwarle knot alofte, Ther mony belle3 ful bry3t of brende golde rungen.

Ne how the fyr was couched first with stree, And thanne with drye stokkes clovena thre, And thanne with grene wode and spicerye, And thanne with clooth of gold and with perrye, And gerlandes hangynge with ful many a flour, The mirre, thencens, with al so greet odour.