n. (green thread English)
In computer programming, green threads are threads that are scheduled by a runtime library or virtual machine (VM) instead of natively by the underlying operating system. Green threads emulate multithreaded environments without relying on any native OS capabilities, and they are managed in user space instead of kernel space, enabling them to work in environments that do not have native thread support.
Usage examples of "green threads".
There were none of the guideways, the golden green threads, that led to the hidden city, not even beyond the blackness, not where he had found them once before.
For a time, he studied the very tower itself, until he could make out the web of golden green threads that infused the walls and floorsindeed everything.
For a time, he studied the very tower itself, until he could make out the web of golden green threads that infused the walls and floors—.
Pulled until he exposed a place were all those pure green threads just went slack and then stopped, most of them.
Alvin saw the rest of the green threads, the few that remained from the massacre at Tippy-Canoe, migrate to the edge of the cloth and stop.
Their dark leavesblue-green threads waving in thick bunches around a central veinstarred out at nodal points along the branches.
She watched the shuttle moving back and forth, back and forth between the green threads.
The square neckline of her wedding attire was embroidered with pale pink and green threads fashioned into the design of dainty rosebuds.
In Death Valley, the improbable dryland-plants appear as green threads on the third or fourth day after the once-a-decade rainfall.