n. An extremely toxic herbaceous perennial plant of the species (taxlink Veratrum viride species noshow=1) that is native to the western and eastern parts of the United States, but not the central part.
n. deciduous plant with large deep green pedate leaves and nodding saucer-shaped green flowers [syn: Helleborus viridis]
Usage examples of "green hellebore".
I still remember the pride I felt when he strapped the black japanned tin lined with green to my tiny back, and though at the time I was only four and much too young to enjoy searching in the heat for rare plants like Ladies' Tresses and Green Hellebore, the names of the plants, like the dates of the English kings, were impressed upon my mind so vividly that it has been impossible for me ever to forget them.
There are white and green hellebore, Veratrum alba and Veratrum viride.
Every couple of hours the shaman would prepare various infusions of herbs to speed the boy's healingred alder and green hellebore with a sliced corm of a jack-in-the-pulpit.