n. (great white shark English)
Usage examples of "great white sharks".
But the devils keep forking them down, or else they are engulfed by the rising sea where now there are whale sharks, great white sharks, and killer whales and other outsized fish circling outside of where the big sharks are tearing at those people in the water.
There were no big cats or U'ulatan spear-tooth packs on land, no great white sharks in the oceans, no deathspores in its skies.
In that tank Hardy, Pico and a small group of other volunteers had spent many hours walking around with great white sharks.
The corpses of a hundred parboiled eight-meter Great White sharks floated belly-up all around the crumpled ruin of the blimp.
Giraffes, shantytowns, diamond mines, hamburgers and Afrikaans burghers, land sharks, great white sharks, pool sharks--you name it.
His filmed footage of Great White Sharks feeding off South Australia has appeared on both American television and the BBC.
So why hadn't he produced giant squid one time, great white sharks another time, and so on?
Or race alongside the few protected Great White sharks in the Catalina Preserve.
He remembered the recent news accounts of Great White sharks attacking surfers.
Spencer watched them through the glass transistors like a tourist viewing great white sharks in an aquarium.