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grayish brown

n. a color varying around light grayish brown; "she wore a dun raincoat" [syn: dun, greyish brown, fawn]

Usage examples of "grayish brown".

The closer the two squads draw to the massive trunk-a grayish brown wall so dark it is almost black-the more Lorn begins to understand deep within himself the concerns expressed by both Maran and Commander Meylyd about the Accursed Forest.

Below them, the land lay barren and grayish brown under the sluicing rain, the long snake of silver water in the bottom of the vale reflecting the colorless sky.

The creatures were each about the size of Leia's forearm with grayish brown fur and large curious eyes.

Hanging in space were thousands of blobs of dull coloryellow, blue-gray, and grayish brown.