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a. Relating to gravitons.

Usage examples of "gravitonic".

The Destroyer had already altered its trajectory toward populated regions of the forest ring, but Den Soa broadcast the modulated graviton recordings while they were still decelerating, and the giant harvester responded with an indecipherable gravitonic rumble of its own and dutifully changed course toward a remote and unpopulated section of the ring.

This was the phenomenal effect of a sailship's amazing gravitonic sails, backwashing the torrent of gravitons back up and out of the black hole, pulling in a depression in the first event horizon as the backwashing gravitonic flow reduced the black hole's universe ripping effect.

A surge of gravitonic fury raced out from them, even its backlash terrible enough to shake the wounded Earth to her core, triggering earthquakes, waking volcanoes.

A huge mushroom cloud filled the western horizon, and even as he watched, a five-man gravitonic conveyer with a full load of structural steel turned turtle in mid-air.